Steps to Ensure Proper Child Oral Care

As a parent, it is important to have the right information from the very beginning when it comes to infant oral care. The first teeth of a child may be temporary, but they are still important. Baby teeth are susceptible to infection and decay, with mothers having the ability to transfer bacteria to their children. Knowing the right way to provide oral care during the development stages will ensure you are providing your child with the foundation for quality oral health.

Caring For Yourself

Dental care for your infant starts with your own oral health. Mothers can transfer bacteria easily which can cause decay of infant’s teeth. If you do not practice good oral hygiene, you can transfer bacteria to your baby which can lead to dental issues that could have been avoided. Be sure to schedule regular trips to the dentist as well as brush and floss your teeth twice a day.

Baby Oral Care

During the first year, there are several steps you can take to care for your baby’s gums and teeth. To begin, you will need to clean the gums of your baby twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. This will help to prevent the buildup of food and prevent bacteria from growing. When your baby starts to develop teeth, you can use special toothpaste and toothbrushes for babies, ones with soft bristles and easy to grip brushes.

Babies should also visit the dentist no later than one year old or when the first tooth erupts. Starting early will ensure your baby has quality oral health for years to come. Your baby will get to know their dentist and feel comfortable when attending visits for cleanings and other dental health needs.

Contact our Cadot office today for all your dental needs, including the little ones. Our Cadot dental office can provide dental care for babies to young children and adults.