Understanding the Causes Behind Sensitive Teeth

Have you found that eating cold foods or drinking hot beverages creates pain in your mouth? Do you have pain when you floss your teeth or brush them? If so, you may be suffering from sensitive teeth. There are many causes that can create sensitive teeth, such as a cavity or fractured teeth. Worn tooth enamel, an exposed tooth or cracked tooth can lead to sensitivity.

Teeth have an enamel layer, a substance that is strong and durable, able to protect the crowns of your healthy teeth. Under the gum line, the tooth root is protected by a layer known as cementum. Underneath enamel and cementum is something called dentin. This is a portion of the tooth that has less density than the other two layers.

The enamel and cementum are the coatings that protect dentin. When the covering is removed, the small hollow tubes in the teeth, found in the dentin, will allow cold or heat to irritate the nerves. This can lead to the pain you feel when eating or drinking hot or cold items. The exposure of the dentin creates hypersensitivity and the occasional pain or uncomfortable feeling.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Dentin can also become exposed when the gums start to recede. This will create a hypersensitivity near around the gums. You can avoid this issues by practicing good oral hygiene. The key is to prevent gums from receding and creating the sensitivity. Brushing your teeth incorrectly or overbrushing can lead to gum problems and sensitivity.

Talk to your dentist about how you can avoid overbrushing or brushing incorrectly so that you do not suffer from gum issues that lead to sensitivity. Changing up your day to day routine for oral hygiene can lead to better oral health overall, avoiding teeth sensitivity issues.

Treatment for Sensitive Teeth

If you do have sensitive teeth, the condition can be treated. When visiting your dentist, you can talk about your sensitive teeth and ask about what you can do to relieve pain or discomfort. One option is a desensitizing toothpaste. This type of toothpaste has compounds inside that will block the transmission of sensation from the surface of the tooth to the nerve.

It can take several times using a desensitizing toothpaste before you feel any results. The sensitivity will be reduced, but it will take several applications before you see a difference. Your dentist may also suggest that you have an in-office treatment completed. A fluoride gel can be applied that will strengthen the enamel. The gel will help the reduce the ability for sensations to be felt within the teeth, leading to a reduction in the sensitivity you feel when eating or drinking hot or cold items.

If you find that you suffer from sensitive teeth, visit our Cadot dental office for assistance. We can help you determine the issue behind your teeth sensitivity and recommend treatment options to ensure you can eat and drink what you want without pain or discomfort. Treating sensitivity issues early will help reduce the length of time you face such symptoms from the condition.